We got an early start with the plan being to walk around Cusco checking out all the interesting sites and trying as much street food as possible. Our first stop was the very local San Pedro Market. We spent about an hour wandering through the stalls trying juices and fruits. The streets of Cusco are a filled with vendors of all sorts selling everything from Alpaca sweaters to homemade ice cream. We finally made our way to the Inca museum for a history lesson on Inca culture. The museum was bit of a letdown. It was more like a showcase for relics. The problem we found was that most things weren’t labeled at all and the few things that were labelled were only in Spanish and had only a name but no description.  We didn’t get much of a history lesson but we did get to see lots of Inca relics. The outfits were really interesting especially as the local indigenous people still wear the traditional clothing. From there we had lunch in the main square with a view. As we ate a small rain shower moved in so we ended up heading back to the room for a nap before heading back out to find the famous 12 angled stone. The stone is located in a wall of a palace and is believed to represent the division of the 24 original families in Cusco. Now it is famous for how seamlessly the stones 12 angles fit into the wall with no filler. Its considered a marvel for the time.  We ended the day with another traditional dinner and a stop at a small bar before heading home to rest up for several days of hiking in the Sacred Valley!