This little town is the polar opposite of Antalya but we have been enjoying it almost as much. We got an early start and drove out of town to visit Derinkuyu Yeralti Sehri , the largest underground city in the world. There are many of these cities located around Turkey, however most they refer to as villages since they are much smaller. I’m not buying that this one is the biggest in the world though. We have visited several underground cities including the tunnels in Vietnam and these didn’t seem nearly as big or impressive. We wandered around inside for awhile and saw nothing but tunnel after tunnel. It was worth a visit especially if you have never been in one but I advice going real early as once the tour buses arrive it gets really crowded down there.

From here we drove back towards town and stopped back at Pigeon Canyon, this time for some hiking . We hiked the 3k from the entrance to the castle and back seeing only a handful of other hikers along the way. The views were great and the hike wasn’t difficult at all. Next we dropped our car of at the hotel and walked through town stopping for way to big of a meal before walking to the open air museum. It was mid afternoon and packed with hordes of tourists and huge lines so we decided to skip it and instead took another hike through the Fairy Chimneys on our own. We climbed a few before tiring out and heading home for a hookah and sleep. We woke in the morning ready to drive back to Istanbul but our host insisted we try some local breakfast dishes he had waiting for us so we filled our bellies again and headed out. The ride back took 6 hours. If you’re going to Cappadocia with no other stops I would recommend a cheap flight since there isn’t much along the way but we have no regrets having driven. More on that in my Turkey wrap up later. For now we have 3 days left in Istanbul and lots more to do.