After climbing Mt Olympus we were exhausted and planned to spend the next day doing laundry and resting. Turns out there is no place to do laundry in Litochoro so we drove 20 minutes to the beach town of Paralia. The plan was to grab lunch and take a dip in the ocean while the clothes were washing. The little resort town was packed with locals and had a really nice vibe. While we were swimming a guy walked by with a giant tray of fresh made donuts. I have never seen anyone selling donuts off a tray walking along the shore before so we had to chase him down. Delicious, huge and extremely over priced. We noticed there was a national park nearby so we decided to make a detour on the way home. However we got turned around somewhere and ended up at a salt lake. There were only a handful of locals there and they were all surprised to see foreigners show up. After questioning why we were there and how we found the place they ended up telling us all about the lake and the health benefits of getting in and smearing the mud all over our bodies. They turned out to be some of the funniest and kindest people you could ever hope to meet. We had so much fun with them. By now it was getting late and our day of rest had become anything but so we returned to our hotel and took advantage of the free spa service we had coming. We followed that up with a diner and a hookah before finally crashing out. Laundry day has never been so fun.