Chasing 100: Prague castle
We extended our stay in Prague since we were really enjoying the city. Between our hotel, the neighborhood and the food it just seemed like the perfect place to relax and get some work done. We couldn’t leave without checking out the Prague Castle though. By this point we had figured out the tram system and made our way across the river with no problems. The castle is a UNESCO world heritage site and recognized as the largest castle in the world. In actuality it is a 750,000 square ft complex consisting of palaces, churches, chapels, towers, fortifications, offices, halls, courtyards and gardens. The complex was built in 880 and over the last 1000+ years it has been occupied by bohemian kings, holy Roman emperors and now it is the office of the president of the Czech Republic. As the cities main tourist attraction there are lines to get in so buying your tickets in advance is recommended. There are several packages costing from $11 to $26 depending on how in depth you wish to explore. Most people choose to go with a guide or do an audio tour. If your want to know every detail and hear all the stories this is your best route. The $11 ticket gets you into the main buildings and was perfect for us. First we explored St George’s Basilica and found it amazing. The gothic style architecture is stunning. Next we went in the St Vitus Cathedral before heading to the Old Royal Palace. As impressive as both were I enjoyed the last stop we made the most, the Golden Lane. It is a small alley way inside the complex with tiny houses looking like it’s right out of a fairytale. The houses were home to the goldsmiths originally as well as alchemists, armor and weapons makers and other trades people working for the rulers. As I walked through this section it was like I was reliving my Dungeons and Dragons days. A second childhood fantasy revisited on this trip. I even got to shoot a crossbow. Nailed it. We rarely ever buy souvenirs on these trips but I got one here to remember the D&D high I was on. I also bought a coin at the Olympics stadium. Both souvenirs were small and cheap but represent places that evoked special feelings. Before leaving we went into a tower that was used as a dungeon with racks and other torture devices. Medieval and so cool.
Before leaving Prague we enjoyed a few more meals. Goulash is one I have really enjoyed here but my biggest food memory from here will be the sausages. This country knows both how to cook and spice them. I can’t get enough. We purchased our Eurorail pass today so in the morning we begin our trip through Western Europe. The Balkans and Greece will be a tough act to follow!