From Negombo we caught a flight to our favorite country, Thailand for a much needed break. We gave ourselves 4 nights in Bangkok before heading south to Jomtien Beach. The time in Bangkok was far from restful. We spent the first day making a video of getting my Cannabis Passport which, as fun as it was, it was just a lot of walking around Bangkok visiting weed shops and sampling their goods. After that we basically ate our way around the city. We love the food scene in Bangkok and over eat the entire time we are here. We can spend the entire day wandering around by foot or by jumping on the BTS and just going wherever. The city never gets boring. We even experienced an evening, monsoon season, downpour that left the city flooded. Even under 6 inches of water the city went about it’s business. It was so fun to watch. We even saw a fish salesman releasing his live eels into the street to swim away with traffic.
Once in Jomtien it’s the same thing. We spent several days visiting all our favorite places, eating and walking our way all around the city. We took the weekend settling into our apartment and finally got a routine going. We get up every day, do our cardio, weights, sauna and swim. Layout in the sun for a bit. Then we visit our local food stalls for coffee(her) and fruit juices(him) and our neighborhood cannabis cafe. Then we spend a few hours working on the Youtube channel before heading out for a sunset walk through either Pattaya Beach, Jomtien Beach or Dongtan Beach depending on the vibe we want for the night. Some days we mix it up and spend the day on the beach then work out night. It’s rough but we are doing the best we can. We need to make a visa run this weekend so we are flying to country #44 in the morning for a 4 day nonstop adventure. Then 2 more weeks in Pattaya, editing and loving life, before heading to another new country #45.