We returned to Lima with 3 days to play with. Our first few days here were fun but we had a lot of things on our must see and do list including spending a day on the beach. Well things still weren’t working out as we planned in Lima but we made the best of it.  Our first day we headed to the beach only to find it was rocky and not what we had in mind. We tried to find the nude beach but that was possibly closed since covid and to top it off the drone gave us trouble, so we decided to call it quits on the beach mission and instead we did our own walking tour of Lima checking out all the interesting spots while walking along the coast. We found a few impressive statues, a lighthouse memorial and then took a tour of some ruins located in the center of Lima. None of it was too spectacular but it was a fun day spent outside exploring. From here we found a local sandwich shop for an amazing lunch before making our way to Lima’s famous nightly water fountain show. We really didn’t expect more than Vegas style fountains spraying into the air so when the show started we got blown away. It’s the biggest water fountain park in the world and the dozen waterfalls leading up to the main ones were very cool. The main show stole all the thunder though. The fountains spray 100 feet in the air and then they project a historical show upon the mist. It was unreal. The perfect way to end our time in the city.

The next morning, we got up early and headed out of the city on a tour. The first stop was a boat ride around Paracus Island. It’s a unique ecosystem with lots of Galapagos-like animal spotting from birds to seals. There are also some unexplainable alien markings on the side of the island cliffs that were pretty interesting. After an expensive lunch at a beachside restaurant that the tour choose, we got back in the bus and drove a few hours inland to a desert oasis. The Osis itself was small and cool to visit but the highlight was racing around the desert in buggies and stopping to sand surf down the dunes. It was a long day with lots of bus time involved but we had so much fun and met a lot of great people.

Leaving Peru is bittersweet. We fell in love with the country and made a memory that will last forever at Machu Picchu. Some places just hit you different for whatever reason and The Sun Temple at Machu Picchu was special. Normally we would add a few days on and stay longer but we have plans for country #50 that we can’t postpone. Time to celebrate a milestone on our way to the 100 country club.