I hear it all the time, “Why do you eat at McDonalds in all these great destinations?”. Yes, It goes against the spirit of trying new things and being adventurous of course but there are several really good reasons as well. The first and most obvious is it’s fast, convenient and usually open 24 hours. When your on the road moving around a lot those are really nice features. Second, when you have been on the road for a long time and have been eating strange new foods for a while sometimes you just want something familiar. When your feeling homesick it can almost be like comfort food. Growing up in the states everyone knows the entire menu by heart. McDonalds is more American then hotdogs and apple pie. The third reason is, it’s always fun to see the cultural differences in the menu. McShrimp, McRice and McTuna rolls stand out. In Asia the fruit juices are all fresh squeezed. Big Macs made with pork in Singapore. The forth and most practical reason is based on economics. Inevitably someone will ask how expensive a country is and McDonalds is a constant everywhere making comparing the price of things between countries easy and relatable to everyone. A Big Mac Meal in SE Asia $4, US $8, Australia $12 and Switzerland $20. I’d never recommend American fast food in a foreign country as a gotta have dinning experience but on the other hand, trying something you’ve eating your entire life but with a foreign twist can be fun. So my McDonalds world tour will continue. Stay Tuned.