No matter where we go, inevitably there are Chinese tourists aggravating people with their rude behavior. The problem has gotten so bad that the government in China has started an initiative to curb the problem. They created a marketing slogan to remind citizens how to behave when abroad and they even have a list of people who violate these new standards and they ban them from future travel. Having seen the problem personally over and over again I decided to do some research as to why it is this way and here is what I have found.

  1. History. China is one of the oldest societies on the planet. It’s name in Chinese is Zhong Guo meaning literally “Middle Kingdom”. So through history they have thought of themselves as the center of the universe and superior to others. Things got worse in the 60’s when Mao Zedong lead the cultural revolution and changed the entire education program to re-education through hard manual labor. Families were broken up, jobs lost and poverty ensued. It became everyone for themselves. This generation has now grown up and continues that mindset.
  2. The “Me first mentality”-  Over population combined with sparse resources have led to a me first way of thinking resulting in tourists fighting for theirs. They don’t want to wait in lines or wait their turn for fear of losing out.
  3. Big spender mentality- In 2014 China became the richest country in the world and this money has led tourist to walk around with large amounts of cash buying whatever they want. Even taking items out of others hands and simply tossing cash at the cashier.
  4. Education- Rural areas have very poor education programs leading to them not understanding others social norms. In the big cities education is based on technology, math, engineering and sciences leaving out the social sciences so even the well educated don’t have an understanding of social norms.
  5. Censorship- the governments strict censorship of things on the internet leads to limited access to alternative information and a limited view of the world and what is normal behavior to others.
  6. Little Emperors- The one child rule. Allowing only one child has led to boys being highly favored and in return spoiled. The have no social etiquette and their every wish is a command to others. This entitlement follows them into adulthood.
  7. Large groups.- The Chinese tend to travel in large groups. Sometimes upwards of 20 people. Such large groups can be seen as loud and obnoxious to others. To the point where some countries like Switzerland have even implemented separate lines for them at some tourist attractions.
  8. Cultural beliefs- The Chinese feels that is unhealthy for a child to soil his diaper and can lead to an infection, so they would rather them just stop and go on the floor wherever they are. For similar reasons they will pick their nose, inspect it and flick it wherever they are. Spitting indoors is common also.

In an effort to stop these behaviors the Chinese government suggests that you report rude and discourteous travelers to them. But if you are coming to China expect to experience these things and except them as this is their home.