Our flight out of El Nido was cancelled along with all flights leaving the island. The tropical storm that was dumping all that rain on us turned into a Typhoon in the Philippine Sea and caused conditions in El Nido to worsen. No way on or off the island. So we ended up having to ride out the storm for 2 more days. When the airport finally opened up the airlines were trying to fit everyone on a limited number of planes so to ensure that we could get on one of the flights we agreed to go to Bohol instead of Cebu. We were planning to go there anyway so it was no big deal for us to change our route.

Day 1 We made it to Bohol on the bumpiest flight we ever had. The sun was shinning and we couldn’t have been happier. We headed to the port town of Tagbilaran in the southwest corner of the island. We did our normal routine of settling in and then spending the rest of the day exploring our new home. After eating local food for a week in Palawan we headed straight for a McDonalds. Sometimes you just need comfort food.

Day 2 We had breakfast and then went and rented a scooter for 2 days. We headed to the center of the island to find the Chocolate Hills enjoying some of the nicest scenery we have seen on this trip. Bohol is by far our favorite island we have been to on this 2 month journey. It’s clean and has a modern infrastructure. The city wasn’t too crowded and once we got outside the city the island was a tropical paradise. The Chocolate Hills are a geological formation of over 1500 hills spread out over 50 square kilometers. They are covered in grass that turns brown in the dry season giving them their name. Lucky for us it’s just the beginning of the wet season so they are still pretty brown. We rode around checking some out on our own then headed to the parks main viewing platform for some pictures. After getting frustrated with the crowds up there we decided to head back to our hotel to get out of the blazing sun.

Day 3 We jumped on our scooter after breakfast and went out looking for a waterfall we read about where we were able to swim in a clear cool refreshing pool at the base of the falls. The falls were off any tourist trail deep in a peaceful quiet jungle. So relaxing. After that we headed off of Bohol across a bridge to the island of Panglao for an afternoon of beach hopping. We could have spent a few more days here but the trip is winding down and we still want to explore Cebu and check off another bucket list item that we are keeping a secret for now. So we wrapped up the day by packing up and booking a ferry to Cebu city for tomorrow morning.