Today’s goal was to get a taste of the nature that Borneo is so famous for so we started the day by walking to a park in the middle of the city called Tasek Lama Recreational Park. The park is known for its waterfall, unfortunately do to the lack of rain it was only a small trickle. Otherwise the park was beautiful, lush, green and peaceful. From there we headed to the mosque that was closed the day before and met a nice older man who gave us a quick tour inside the mosque then invited to a street fair tomorrow morning. The mosque was in the center of a lagoon and has a solid gold dome. Inside the mosque was nice but the views of the building were the highlight. Next to the mosque was a market that we would walk thru several times a day since it was close to our hotel, so we got to see the mosque at sunrise, sunset and lite up after dark. The market, mosque and park along the river were full of people exercising, families gathering for meals and locals socializing every evening. Next we wanted to see the cities two main attractions that aren’t mosques. Kampong Ayer floating village and the long nose Probiscus Monkey. So we walked along the river and found a guy with a boat willing to take us to see both. After negotiating a price we hoped in his boat and went to Kampong Ayer floating village. The largest floating village in the world. At one point before Brunei was oil rich, this village was the capital of Brunei. Our driver dropped us off at the village welcome center/ museum and waited while we wandered around the village for about an hour then he took us around the village showing us the different buildings like schools and public services. Riding in a small speedboat through the village, under homes and shops and walkways was so much fun. The school let out while were there and kids walking along the piers above us in the uniforms all kept yelling down to us in English. They kept asking where we were from and saying “welcome” and “we love you”. It was really interesting seeing how they live there and the children stole the show. After we were done at the village we headed down the river where we got views of the palace and both mosques on our way to the mangroves outside the city. Once inside the mangrove we drove around for about 20 minutes before spitting our first Probiscus monkey with its long nose up in the trees. Before we left we saw atleast a dozen. We also saw a few crocodiles and the best sunset we have seen in a long time. The sunset before we got back so we not only got to see the palace and mosques lite up but we took us to a section of the mangrove where millions of fireflies lite up the trees along the river. After that surprise we had him drop us off by boat at the the night market for dinner and a walk in the park. A perfect day of exploring!