As we left Santorini, the exotic lure of Morroco had me second guessing my decision to change our plans and head to Prague. That is until our plane landed. From the minute we stepped into the terminal we both felt at ease. It was 530pm and the next 5 hours proved the decision was just what we needed. Prague it turns out is an amazing destination. Travel days can be rough but today was anything but. We got off the plane, no customs, straight through baggage claim in minutes and had a driver waiting holding a sign with our name waiting for us. The hotel I picked was a wellness resort with everything including a deluxe gym, sauna, hot tub and several restaurants. It usually runs $850 for 4 nights but we got it for $350. When we checked in they upgraded us to a deluxe suite with an office space and a living room so we were in heaven. To make things better we ended up at a Czech restaurant and had a delicious authentic meal and then on the way home we came across the best hookah lounge we have ever been in. Best travel day so far. Travel gods are with us.

Day 2
After sleeping in for a bit we hit the gym then plotted a course through Prague. Our plan was to take a tram to the city center then spend the day walking around the city checking out all it’s famous highlights. The tram system is very easy to use and main attractions are all easily walkable once in the city center. Our first stop was The Powder Tower, one of 13 gateways to the Old City. It, like a lot of the Old City is gothic architecture. If your into architecture than Prague is a city for you. The entire city would make for one amazing postcard. From the tower we walked to the main square and were blown away again by the gothic churches on 3 sides of the square. Aside from the building and statues in the square there is also the 3rd oldest working astronomical clock in the world. We grabbed a drink and wandered through the alleys around the square until the top of the hour when the clock struck 1pm and did it’s performance like a giant cuckoo clock. Pretty cool. We then walked to the Jewish Quarter, Josefov for some history. When the Jews were relocated from there homes they were settled here and the area became a safe area for Jews from all over Europe. We saw several of the Synagogues, the cemetery and the museum while walking around the area and stopped for pizza at a sidewalk café. After refueling we walked to the river and made our way to the famous Charles Bridge where we took pictures and crossed the river again amazed by the Gothic bridge and all it’s statues with the Prague castle as a backdrop. Our first stop on this side of the river was at the Lennon wall. A wall that was used in the 80’s by graffiti artists to pay their respects to the singer after he was shot. Over the years locals have used it as a place to protest and write messages of disgust or support for current events. Currently there are messages supporting Ukraine and bashing Putin as well as memorials to those lost in the war and to covid. Interesting stop. Next we walked to the Church of Our Lady Victorious to see the infant Jesus statue and had a funny conversation with the priest when I asked if we could film inside. He was a real jokester. You can hear all about him and more details and historical facts about all these places in our video. We then walked along the river some more and came to our last stop for the day, the Dancing House. In a city of old gothic architecture any modern building is sure to stand out and this one made sure to do so. Its also referred as the Fred and Ginger house. The design was unique but not too impressive. This was going to be our last stop but as we walked back we found a robot bar and an ice bar next to each other. We had never seen either in person so we went in the robot bar and ordered drinks on the touch pad at the table and watched the robots make our cocktails. Oh the future is here. Then to be fair we stopped next door, put on some parkers and went into the ice bar for another drink. Everything from the bar to the seats to the glasses was ice. Refreshing way to cool down from the summer sun. We walked a total of just over 13 miles today and loved every step. Prague is amazing. Everything we saw today was free with the exception of the Jewish Museum and cemetery. We are enjoying the city so much we are going to spend a few more days here and just relax and maybe explore the Prague castle one afternoon. Oh and eat lots of amazing Czech foods.