Chasing 100: Mostar, Bosnia & Hertzegovina  Country #29

We ended up renting a car in Split and headed out on our own. Crossing borders on a bus is a royal pain in the a**. The ride to Mostar only took 2.5 hours including less then 4 minutes to cross through both customs entry points. The roads here are in great condition, very scenic and no traffic at all. A pleasure to drive. We heard that it might rain tomorrow so when we arrived we dropped our bags and got to it. We walked through the Old City and caught a glimpse of the famed Mostar Bridge then headed out of the tourist zone into the city where we found the Bruce Lee statue and took our pics. Then we came upon an abandoned building that has been used for graffiti artists to show their work. Seems no one does new art here as most of it was dated before covid. Still an interesting stop. We headed back to our room to shower and rest then headed back out to find a traditional dinner that didn’t disappoint. Alyssa had a ghoulash type dish and I had a doner meal. Love em. Our room is only feet from the famed bridge so we spent the night at the river side people watching and some good herbs even found us. Some gelato and we called it a night.

The next morning we went straight to the Genocide Museum for some history. The museum was small and only took around an hour to see. We learned a bit about what happened but mostly the museum seemed like a memorial to all those who died more then what and why it happened. Still worth a stop. Next we went to the Pasha Mosque in the heart of the Old City. It’s not a very impressive mosque compared to others but this one allowed us to climb to the top of the minaret something we never heard of before so we took full advantage and enjoyed the best view of the old city you can get. By this time the tourist buses were arriving, so we headed to a McDonalds to continue my world tour. Big Mac Jr’s, wrapps, chicken wings and club sandwiches. Nothing too special here. Note: the kids playground is an indoor basketball half court. The desserts were pretty good here. We had some cream puffs smothered in a chocolate pudding like mess. It was awesome. Also they love their fries here. Normal, with cheddar, curly and seasoned and steak fries (called American Fries). A Big Mac meal costs $4.75. Overall we can’t believe how cheap this city is. Even in the heart of the tourist trap old city food and drinks are unbelievably inexpensive. We got a hookah, a shot, a mixed drink, an ice tea and two waters on the river in old town under Mostars bridge for $8.