After having our bike tour of Northern Vietnam rained out we decided to come back to Thailand and get an apartment for a month where we would just relax and get some work done. It was the smokey season in Chiang Mae up in the mountains and we spent a month in Krabi last year, so we choose to come to an area we had never explored. Pattaya is a beach town known for its expat culture and its redlight district. The draw for us was the beach, the western influences, and the cost. We found a really nice place in a resort with a gym, sauna, 3 pools and lots of food options. What we didn’t expect was how much we would love this area. We were able to keep up with going to the gym and getting some work done but ended up not resting as much as we expected due to how much there is to do here. That’s a common problem all throughout Thailand. The country has so much to offer that you never get bored. Asia has what they call super malls and even though we aren’t mall people we really enjoy checking them out. Thailand doesn’t have a SM but it does have a chain called Terminal 21. They are huge 5 story malls that are themed like an airport. Each level represents another country. The mall ended up being as much for entertainment as it was for shopping. It was so interesting and unique that we decide to go back and make a video about it. From the travel theme to the food court it was amazing. After spending several days enjoying night markets and walks along the beaches we found the biggest 7-11 in the world and decided to make a video there. The store itself is not too much bigger than a regular 7-11 but it does have a cafe on the second level and a bakery on the main level as well as outdoor seating. The biggest difference is that the store is themed as a giant ship from the outdoor facade to the marine theme on the inside. Pretty quirky but fun. Then the real fun began. Thai New Years!

Thai New Years, also known as Songkran is a water festival celebrated on April 9th every year. Originally it lasted 3 to 4 days but in 2018 the government extended it to last a week so people could go home from the city to spend time in the country with their families. Each city celebrates a little different. Basically, water is used to wash away the previous year. We went out on the first 2 days and got a taste of the action in the tourist areas, but the residential areas were pretty mild. If you didn’t want to get wet you could just wave people off and you were sparred. However, Pattaya ends Songkran on the 19th and they have a giant celebration all across the city. No place is safe. We headed out our door and knew right away that it wasn’t like the previous days. Filling stations everywhere, families gathered in front of every store with buckets and hoses and trucks weighed down with people and tubs of water everywhere. The main madness however is along the touristy Walking Street and Beach Street. All the bars and restaurants have music blasting, the bar girls are armed with hoses, buckets of ice water and water guns. Beach street has concerts every few feet and food vendors everywhere. There is a parade and sand castle competitions. The road is closed off to traffic and thousands of people armed with water guns and powder walk the street battling each other and the bar girls as well as all the people in the bars. We have celebrated New Years eve all over the world from Time Square to Sydney and nothing compared to this. The vibe was perfect. Everyone was having a blast and it just didn’t stop. We walked the city for over 6 hours and had no break. People of all ages from little kids to grandmas just partying together having so much fun. Basically if you don’t want to get wet stay home. Police trade their weapons for water guns and fire trucks spray crowds with their hoses. The only people who are safe are the monks. They get a police escort through town giving their blessings. This atmosphere was so special, and it showed what Thailand is all about. Thailand is called the Land Of Smiles and this celebration reinforced why this country is hands down our favorite. The people here are so special and the country just knows how to live.

We have more to see here in Pattaya now that the celebration is over but this past week is going to be the highlight of this trip for us. We got to experience this here and also Holi in India on this trip and although Holi was a great experience it doesn’t come close to Songkrat. I’d never do Holi again but this I don’t want to miss next year. The people of Thailand made this so great. No one molesting women here like in India. No means no here. No fighting or getting mad. No egos. Just a country coming together to celebrate what makes them great. Well done Pattaya!