It was our last day in El Salvador and we realized we hadn’t spent much time in the actual city so we headed out bright and early to check out all the sites the city had to offer. Our first stop was at a strange church. From the outside it looks like a jail almost and the entrance is hidden around back down a small alley. However once inside its quite unique. A local artist designed the church. There is no lighting inside, only stainglass windows on the ceiling. The walls are designed with slots that allow for natural airflow making the need for AC obsolete.  The pope was so intrigued with the design that he took a personal interest in its creation. From there we checked out another church and then the National Library. Every few blocks there are large plazas with people gathering all day and night making for a really cool vibe. We spent the rest of the day wandering through street markets sampling local treats. We made a quick stop at a McDonalds to try the local menu. The best item was a McGrilled Cheese. Alyssa enjoyed the chicken and fresh guacamole wrap. We ended our city tour with dinner across the city at a place we were told had the best Papusas in the country. Papusas are the national dish and consist of two tortillas with different ingredients stuffed in between and fried. The traditional filling is cheese and beans so we tried that as well as several varieties. They were ok but nothing too special. The best part was the mountain top sunset view we had with dinner. Next stop…. Honduras!