Update: Uluwatu

Day 1- We arrived at our resort around noon, dropped our bags and headed straight to the beach. A short walk and we were dipping our toes in blue waters and white sand. A few beers and some blazing rays and we were in heaven. We gave up on any other plans for the day and just lived out our best version of a Jimmy Buffet song. Beaches, beers and bikinis…….

Day 2- We woke up, did breakfast and the gym then decided to rent a scooter for the day. Alyssa had some shopping to do and I had plans to meet another digital nomad across town for some help with our website. Plus, I was in the mood for some comfort food. There isn’t too much to do in Uluwatu other than beaches and sunsets but since we had the scooter we planned a big day. We met our designer at a café and things went well. Then we did a little shopping before heading to the “Water Blow”. It is just a place where the water crashes on volcanic rocks and the waves blast water high in the air. Lunch was the highlight of the day for me. My McDonalds world tour continues! None of the towns we have been to so far on Bali had any western influences other than an occasional Starbucks and a few Circle K’s. But we heard that there was a McDonald’s just outside of Uluwatu and couldn’t resist. The menu was pretty much the same as home except here they have spicy (really spicy) popcorn chicken, Nasi Chicken (a rice dish) and a black pepper chicken and rice meal. Not the most interesting international menu but it’s been three weeks since we had any western food and I was lovin’ it! We made it back to our resort just in time to catch an amazing sunset. Back in our room we got frustrated with the poor internet and complained to the manager. He couldn’t fix the problem but he felt bad so he upgraded us to a deluxe suite that was huge and had a great view of the pool and golf course.

Day 3- We are really suffering from beachitis. No desire to do anything but relax and enjoy the resort and the beach life. We slept in, did the gym and breakfast and then took a rest before deciding to venture off the resort to a temple located on a cliff overlooking the ocean.  Located next to the temple is a small amphitheater where they hold a traditional dance ceremony every night at sunset. Unfortunately for us there were a few clouds on the horizon that ruined the sun setting but the show was great. It was a Hindu story told through dance and music with one catch. There were no instruments, just 50 men chanting. The dance was called the Kecak dance. Kecak is the word or more like the sound they kept chanting. We recognized the story they were telling as the same story we saw on the walls of the Batu Caves in Malaysia. The show was fun and we stuck around afterwards to take pictures with a few of the characters. After enjoying the jungle, beaches and nature in Bali it was nice to finally get a chance to see some culture.

Day 4- Guess what we did today. You got it. We spent the day on the beach and caught another great sunset. Today was our last day Bali so after dinner we packed up and are spending the night making plans for a travel day. The next 10 days we will be island hopping. 2 of the islands we are heading to are so small they don’t have any motorized vehicles. Basically going off the grid for awhile.